Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anna Waving

The babysitter has been teaching Anna to wave, and she is getting pretty good at it. She just needs to learn to wave at someone besides herself!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

First snow...sort of.

It tried to snow today and managed to cover the ground in a wet sloppy snow.
Ann was prepared in her cuddly bear snowsuit.


Now that Anna has figured out how to scoot, crawl, and climb up on things, nothing is safe. Anna goes after whatever her little heart desires. Indy's food and water dishes are some of her favorite things to tip over in the kitchen.

New toys!

Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Kevin already sent Anna's Christmas presents. Since Anna is too young to really understand the whole Christmas Day thing and we won't be home, we let Anna have her gifts early. She loves to chew on the Noah's Ark animals.

Daddy's balloons....

For Daddy's 30th birthday we got him a bunch of balloons. Anna loves balloons. They have provided lots of entertainment for both Anna and Indy.