Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bath time!

Anna always enjoys taking a bath. She plays with her toys and splashes the water everywhere.

A trip to the park!

Last Sunday we had beautiful weather. We took Anna to the park. She seemed to enjoy swinging.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anna on the move!

Anna has figured out that if she tries hard enough, she can get to lots of things. She enjoys going after Mommy and Indy! Poor Indy is quickly realizing that he doesn't want Anna's attentions.


Anna had her first crackers today. She made a mess, but seemed to enjoy herself. We are on the road to normal food.

Smiles for Mommy!

These smiles were for Mommy while she was home sick.

Sick days home with Mommy!

Anna and Mommy were sick last week and spent a lot of time together at home. Anna enjoyed playing all day long and always had a smile for Mommy. She is going to have a hard time going back to the sitter.