Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Anna Waving

The babysitter has been teaching Anna to wave, and she is getting pretty good at it. She just needs to learn to wave at someone besides herself!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

First snow...sort of.

It tried to snow today and managed to cover the ground in a wet sloppy snow.
Ann was prepared in her cuddly bear snowsuit.


Now that Anna has figured out how to scoot, crawl, and climb up on things, nothing is safe. Anna goes after whatever her little heart desires. Indy's food and water dishes are some of her favorite things to tip over in the kitchen.

New toys!

Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Kevin already sent Anna's Christmas presents. Since Anna is too young to really understand the whole Christmas Day thing and we won't be home, we let Anna have her gifts early. She loves to chew on the Noah's Ark animals.

Daddy's balloons....

For Daddy's 30th birthday we got him a bunch of balloons. Anna loves balloons. They have provided lots of entertainment for both Anna and Indy.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bath time!

Anna always enjoys taking a bath. She plays with her toys and splashes the water everywhere.

A trip to the park!

Last Sunday we had beautiful weather. We took Anna to the park. She seemed to enjoy swinging.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Anna on the move!

Anna has figured out that if she tries hard enough, she can get to lots of things. She enjoys going after Mommy and Indy! Poor Indy is quickly realizing that he doesn't want Anna's attentions.


Anna had her first crackers today. She made a mess, but seemed to enjoy herself. We are on the road to normal food.

Smiles for Mommy!

These smiles were for Mommy while she was home sick.

Sick days home with Mommy!

Anna and Mommy were sick last week and spent a lot of time together at home. Anna enjoyed playing all day long and always had a smile for Mommy. She is going to have a hard time going back to the sitter.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Anna's first Halloween was fun. Anna didn't get to eat any candy, but we let her hold some skittles and hang out with the jack-o-lantern. She was a flower, which was pretty cute! Update: video up!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crawling attempts

Anna has learned how to army crawl, but we haven't been able to catch that on video yet, so here is her best attempt at regular crawling. Mommy likes to put toys in front of her to entice her, but usually she figures out some other way to get them. More to come...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anna's first pumpkin!

Anna helped Mommy clean out the pumpkin for her first jack-o-lantern. As usual Anna tried to put everything in her mouth.
Anna loved getting messy and squishing the seeds through her little fingers.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Big girl!

Anna is gettiing to be a big girl. She is able to sit in the cart while we go grocery shopping. It is much easier to put her in the cart rather than try to carry the car seat or stroller everywhere.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cooking is exhausting!

Anna is interested in everything that Mommy does. She reaches for and grabs anything she can see. Of course once she has something in her hand it doesn't take long for Anna to put it in her mouth. Today Anna helped Mommy cook. She really wanted the green beans, but once she put them in her mouth, she changed her mind. Cooking must have been exhausting because Anna fell asleep shortly after.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A beautiful day!

It has been beautiful these past couple of days. Anna has enjoyed spending time outside.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall fun!

We tried to find a pumpkin patch this weekend, but that proved to be unsuccessful. Instead we bought a couple of pumpkins and a mum to decorate our stoop. Anna was a good sport as we posed her for a couple of pics. Of course she is pretty happy as long as she can put something in her mouth.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Anna tries to sit...

Anna is working very hard on sitting by herself. She can sit on her own for about 30 seconds before she loses her balance and topples over.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Anna's new toy...

We searched for this table top activity center and finally found one yesterday at a second hand shop. Anna enjoys standing, with Daddy's help of course, and making lots of noise and watching the pretty lights.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sitting like a big girl!

Anna is beginning to eat in her highchair. She has been sitting in a highchair and showing great interest in eating at the sitter's house while everyone eats lunch. Mommy finally pulled out her highchair this evening and fed Anna her dinner in it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Unfortunately, Anna has been showing interest in watching television. Daddy got her started during the end of the summer when he and Anna sat and watched Mike and Mike in the monring on ESPN each morning while Mommy went to work. This is how Anna relaxes as she watches a video on animals.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Green Beans!!!

Anna has been experimenting with lots of different foods. So far she has tried apples, bananas, pears, carrots and green beans. Here, Mommy pureed some green beans and fed them to Anna.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy girl!

Anna loves to smile and laugh for people, especially Mommy!